Last edited 23 Dec 2021

Light as a Service LaaS

LED light.jpg


[edit] Introduction

Since 2010, manufacturers and service providers within the lighting sector have developed a financial structure known as Light as a Service (LaaS sometimes referred to as Lighting as a Service).

LaaS is a subscription-based approach to the provision of lighting products and associated services including specification, installation, maintenance, replacement, refurbishment, recycling and so on. It is intended to help organisations incorporate constant product innovations taking place within the lighting industry without the requirement of making upfront purchases. In this model, customers pay a monthly fee to acquire, maintain and upgrade lighting within an organisation.

[edit] LaaS vendor/client relationships

LaaS is intended to be a circular process that incorporates the entire cradle-to-cradle life cycle of a lighting solution. The approach stresses the delivery of an energy efficient, long-term service rather than the procurement of a disposable, short-term commodity.

The LaaS approach may be suitable in applications where high quality lighting is required, but budgetary constraints may limit investment in a suitable permanent solution. This type of arrangement may be preferable in a significant refurbishment project within an owner-occupied site where lighting exists and needs to be replaced with an alternative solution.

LaaS may also be used in new construction projects. It can be appealing to organisations that ascribe to principles associated with circular economy beliefs.

With vendors retaining ownership of the components, they may be more inclined to maintain the service in a proactive manner. The collection of monthly fees will motivate them to continue to provide components and services that can satisfy the needs of the client and are increasingly efficient.

[edit] Modular systems

One distinct aspect of LaaS is the dominance of modular lighting components. No longer proprietary or sealed, these systems may include parts - possibly from more than one manufacturer - that can be interchanged and replaced to extend the longevity of the whole system.

When it does becomes necessary to replace a component within a modular system, this can be accomplished quickly and easily. This can contribute to the maintenance and reuse aspects of these systems. It may also be more straightforward to reclaim suitable materials from replaceable components within modular systems.

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